Independent Media Centre Ireland

As RTE refuse to cover scandal of criminal and fraudulent behaviour of Independent Science Advisory Group pushing lockdowns, Senator Rónán Mullen reads scandal into Public Record

category national | crime and justice | news report author Wednesday March 10, 2021 23:29author by 1 of indy

ISAG leaked emails encourage members to "look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty"

On Tuesday (March 9th) Senator Rónán Mullen read into the public record of the Seanad as part of the Order of Business revealations about the fraudulent antics of leading members of the so called Independent Scientific Advocacy Group (ISAG) who have spent inordinate amount of time on the national media promoting lockdowns.

Report published recently of the international correspondence and workings of the so-called Independent Scientific Advisory Group which has been pushing for a zero Covid approach. Four weeks ago, the head of the group wrote to its members asking them to "look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty" and to "go after people and not institutions" because "people hurt faster than institutions".
Audio available at
Audio available at

The correspondence suggests that the group has been deliberately adjusting its targets for zero Covid in order to convince that party's leadership to subscribe to the strategy. All of this information is in the public domain and yet, incredibly, it has not been reported by RTÉ or in the print media. Why is such a group allowed to scaremonger without at least being challenged by politicians or the media on its internal conversations about which we now know?

You can find the audio which is just 2 to 3 mins long at: and

Matt Cooper one of the prominent figures of the mainstream media in Ireland has been one of the most accommodating of this dishonest and criminally deceitful group, having them on over 30 times and he has not been objective. The leaked emails from ISAG say: “Matt tries to look impartial but asks great pro-elimination questions”,

The result of these media figures not asking question is that these criminal, unconstitutional lockdowns that are causing misery and huge economic and social damage as well as very likely soaring suicide rates. as indicated by the fact that the number of distressed calls to the Dublin Samaritans has soared since the Covid lockdowns. Widespread reports from other countries showed the same trends.

Cooper should apologize to the nation and help right things by balancing up things by having people of the calibre of Ivor Cummins on for a similar number of times and others who have being doing real science as opposed to pure fraud whilst pretending they are doing science.

The news website have been leading from the front on this story and have done a number of articles on it so far and are to be commended for doing real journalism whilst the rest of the media in Ireland who have not only failed completely but are actively promoting lying by statistics, manipulation of figures and in their presentations and the terrorizing of the population through relentless fear mongering.

You can find the coverage here:

“Frankly, I’d prefer to sort this out with a good hurley and no witnesses” – Zero Covid Group

In this quote we can see how ISAG member Prof. Gerry Killeen indicate his desire to violently to remove the awkward voices doing real science as opposed to the pretend voodoo science of the ISAG.

Ivor Cummins, the biochemical engineer, commentator, and Youtuber, sparked particularly vitriolic discussion in the group.

Late last year ISAG began internally discussing the possibility of a debate between one of their members and Cummins. Cummins was open to the idea, and emails were exchanged between Cummins, Professor Gerry Killeen of UCC, and a third party who was interested in hosting the debate.

Prof. Killeen told the other members of ISAG that he was in contact with “that muppett [sic] Ivor Cummins” about a debate and that Cummins, “like Ciara Kelly, Michael McNamara and [sic] whole string of other charlatans”, might have to be taken on so that ISAG could show the public that Cummins, like Kelly and McNamara, were “paper thin and nasty.” Whilst Killeen appears to have brought the idea of debating Cummins to ISAG he also said that “Frankly, I’d prefer to sort this out with a good hurley and no witnesses.”

REVEALED: How Zero Covid activists deceived politicians
The Zero-Covid advocacy group, ISAG, passed information thatmay or may not be true” to the Government, in order to give the Government the chance to “line up with our proposals”,

Their proposals are prolonged lockdowns and the Zero-Covid strategy that has NO scientific basis whatsoever. These strategies are destroying the country.

“Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty” – Zero Covid document

ZeroLeaks: How Zero Covid’s “Science” isn’t science at all.

Zeroleaks on their media friends: “Matt Cooper tries to look impartial”

Senator Ronan Mullen ( independent ) is one of the true democrats in our political body and who has actually got the integrity to bring this despicable behaviour to public attention.

You can find his speech to the Senate on his Facebook page at:
It can also be found on Twitter at

And on his own website at:

Independent Scientific Advocacy Group

You can find the list of so called scientists and academics who are members of ISAG on their website. They like, their predecessors in the Church, the priests, are damaging the reputation of the scientific establishment. People ought to recognize just as there is a difference between a priest and a religion, there is a difference between a scientist and science. In each case the former are just people and suffer from all the temptations to use their position for power, influence and their own ego.

Some of the leading names of ISAG and who have appeared at saturation levels in the national media pushing lockdowns and the dangerous experimental vaccines are members like Prof Anthony Staines, Prof Gerry Killeen, Dr. Tomas Ryan and Prof. Sam McConkey.. All household names. All of these members have been party to these emails and have been thus aware since before Christmas 2020 of the deceitful campaign to use lies whilst the same organisation pretends it uses science, to push and extend the lockdown.

It is unknown who leaked the emails but clearly there is someone out there close to ISAG or possibly even a member who is courageous and has a conscience and has done us all a service. If only the mainstream media would do their service

It is time for the Independent Scientific Advocacy Group to disband and for all their members to disclose the conflicts of interest.

It should be clear by now that just because you have the title Dr or Prof before your name, that you should be trusted as somehow being trustworthy

TAGS: Covid / Propaganda

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