Independent Media Centre Ireland

DCTV December Schedule Is Now Online

category dublin | arts and media | news report author Tuesday December 01, 2009 11:41author by DCTV

The December Schedule from DCTV is here. Read on below for some highlights.

Download it in brochure form from

But first, how to find content online:

We've recently tidied how a lot of our online content is presented. If you can't find a programme, it is most likely not online, so please email us and ask for it to be uploaded. If we have permission, we'll put it online for you.

On the website you can find content catalogued according to the block it is played out in. Scroll through the carousels to find what you want over at

Content is archived as it goes online chronologically at our Video category at with descriptions.

Content on the site is also tagged to cross reference it, so, have a look through the Tag cloud on our side bar and see if there is a term that suits what you are looking for.

Eg clicking on "documentary" will bring up a complete list of our documentaries.

You can also use Vimeo itself to find content.

Content is archived according to albums such as a programme series over at

And it is archived according to the Block it gets played out in over at

Again, if you can not find something, then that means it is probably not online, so please contact us and we will upload it for you.

Highlights /////

CREW TV ///////////

Working with Young Urban Arts, DCTV invited 14 young people from youth projects across the city to get involved in scripting, acting, directing and producing their very own series called Happy Pizza. The young crew trained from January until June 2009 in preparation for the production in July. Happy Pizza follows the life of John Murphy, a pizza guy going through the trials that his life has thrown at him. Happy Pizza is a slice of comedy packed with funny shorts and a strong story. As John delivers pizza, Crew TV, delivers a great production in 3 half hour shows. As employees of DCTV for July, they earned money while gaining invaluable experience in an arts focused environment. Crew TV is a Partnership Training Programme between Young Urban Arts and DCTV.

CREW TV/ HAPPY PIZZA plays from December 12th as part of Fresh 2 on Tues 1900, Wed 1230 and Sat 1900

Us Now – A Documentary on the Net and Democracy ////

In his student flat in Colchester, Jack Howe is staring intently into his computer screen. He is picking the team for Ebbsfleet United’s FA Trophy Semi-Final match against Aldershot . Around the world 35,000 other fans are doing the same thing, because together, they own and manage the football club. If distributed networks of people can run complex organisations such as football clubs, what else can they do? Us Now takes a look at how this type of participation could transform the way that countries are governed. It tells the stories of the online networks whose radical self-organising structures threaten to change the fabric of government forever.

Watch online:

US NOW plays Mon 2300, Weds 2300, Thurs 1630, Fri 1400, Sat 2300 and Sun 2030.

Feminist Forum On Symphysiotomy
fresh 3 and around the city//

In this filming of the Feminist Open Forum,a survivor of symphysiotomy speaks, as does Colm McGeehin, a solicitor who represents over 100 women who are casualties of this horrible childbirth operation. Symphysiotomy is a discredited childbirth operation severing the pelvis that persisted in Ireland until as recently as the 1980s. Hundreds of Irish women, who were unknowingly subjected to the surgery, say they were left with severe and life-long side-effects, including walking disabilities, chronic pain, incontinence and depression. Doctors chose to perform symphysiotomy instead of Caesarean section, a safer alternative. They saw Caesaread as leading women into temptation, the ‘temptation’ to practice birth control. The Minister for Health has again refused to review the latter-day practice of this dangerous 18th century childbirth operation.

Inside Long Kesh
around the country//

The Maze Prison ranks alongside prisons such as Alcatraz and Sing Sing. It became the scene for symbolic protests, hunger strikes and a dramatic escape in 1983, which lead to it attaining a special status and focal point of the conflict in Northern Ireland, for those on both sides of the political divide. Known to prisoners as Long Kesh, it played a significant role in the negotiations for ‘The Peace Process’ and was finally closed down on 29th September 2000. NvTv went back to the prison with an ex-Loyalist and ex-Republican prisoner, to see what life was really like in the Compounds and H-Blocks.

Watch online:

Room To Manoeuvre
digital stories//

Room to Manoeuvre explores the changes that had to be made to a family home when someone becomes wheelchair bound. It was commissioned by the Dublin Community Forum’s Disability Focus Group to inform policy makers.

Watch online:


Explanation on the block system: DCTV broadcasts our content in blocks of 2.5 hours lenght. Each block is themed and repeats through out the month. Think of it like a cinema, see what block the programme you want to see is in, note the time of the block and tune in!

Digital Stories
Running time:02:30:40

Mon 2030, Tues 1630, Weds 2030, Fri 2300, Saturday 1630

Rob Your Rubbish
The Clients
Room to Manoeuvre
Slum TV Interview With Sam Hopkins
A Conversation with Tom Hartley
The Biggest Issue
No Place is Home

Around The City
Running time:02:21:42

Mon 1630, Tues 1400, Thurs 1400, Saturday 1630, Sunday 1630

Feminist Forum on Symphysiotomy
Rob Your Rubbish
The Document: Democracy and Policing
Sight Unseen

Around The Country
Running time:02:15:01

Tues 20:30, Weds 1630, Thurs 2300, Fri 1630

Fry Me to The Moon
Inside the Inshops
Inside Long Kesh
McKiernan’s Shoe Shop Closing Day

Give Me The Camera
Running time: 02:29:07

Thurs 20:30, Friday 20:30, Saturday 20:30, Sunday 23:00

The Fall
Sharp Focus Around Here.
Cannonball Run Entrants
The Plug
Poets Exposed
Unstoppable Weather
Childhood Memories
Deirdre’s Passions

Independent Media
Running time:02:17:03

Mon 2300, Weds 2300, Thurs 1630, Fri 1400, Sat 2300, Sun 2030

Us Now
Arthur Scargill: 25 Years
Climate Camp Documentary

Running time: 02:22:12

Mon 1400, Tues 2300, Weds 1400, Sun 2030

Artery 51
Artery 53
The Collective
History of Community Radio

The Fresh Blocks

Mon 1900, Tues 1230, Sat 1230

Homelessness and Drugs
Men at Work

Tues 1900, Wed 1230, Sat 1900

Never Too Late EP 1
Never Too Late Ep 2
Room to Manoeuvre

And changing to

CREW TV from December 12th.

Weds 1900, Thurs 1230, Sun 1230

Feminist Forum on Symphysiotomy
Climate Camp Documentary

Thurs 1900, Fri 1230, Sun 1900

The House New Episode
The House Documentary

Mon 1230, Friday 1900

Arthur Scargill: 25 Years On
Looking Left EP2: The Ripening of Time

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