Independent Media Centre Ireland
Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

World Atheist Convention in Dublin

category dublin | education | event notice author Wednesday May 04, 2011 12:53author by Empty Skyauthor email finance at atheist dot ie

Attend the World Atheist Convention in Dublin, Ireland, June 3-5 2011. Venue: O’Callaghan Alexander Hotel
At Merrion Square, Dublin 2

Topics will include

* Weird science versus weird religion
* Communicating Atheism
* Secular education: teach, don’t preach
* Women Atheist Activists
* Speaking out against blasphemy laws
* Religion: accommodate or confront?
* Building Secular Coalitions
* Dublin Declaration on Religion in Public Life
* Launch of new Atheist Alliance International

The Convention, co-hosted by Atheist Ireland, will see the launch of the new Atheist Alliance International, the world umbrella group for atheist advocacy groups.

* Richard Dawkins UK (evolutionary biologist)
* Lone Frank DK (neurobiologist, science writer)
* Michael Nugent IRL (chairperson Atheist Ireland)
* Paula Kirby UK (secular consultant, activist)
* PZ Myers USA (author science blog Pharyngula)
* Jane Donnelly IRL (education officer Atheist Ireland)
* Dan Barker USA (Freedom from Religion Foundation)
* Rebecca Watson USA (Skepchick blogger, podcaster)
* David Nash UK (professor, expert on blasphemy)
* Ivana Bacik IRL (Irish Senator in 30th Oireachtas)
* Aroup Chaterjee UK (physician, activist, author)
* Annie Laurie Gaylor USA (Freedom from Religion Foundation)
* Mark Embleton UK (president Atheism UK)
* More speakers to be announced

[unnecessary provocative image removed by moderator]

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