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The SakerA bird's eye view of the vineyard
Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
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international / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Wednesday September 12, 2018 23:35 by Dublin Catholic Worker
Only the second Papal visit in 2,000 years by the first non European Pope. Pope Francisco is from Argentina where the United States client state ruled with terror, kidnappings and politically motivated assassination. His papacy appears to have many proactive enemies from wiithin reactionary Catholicism globally and (neo) liberal elites in Irish media & NGO sector. The recent visit was in visual and audio contrast to the only other visit of the papacy to Ireland. Pope John Paul 2nd in 1979 (the year of the Mountbatten assassination, Warrenpoint, punk). What does this tell us about Papa Francisco and contemporary Irish society? read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Friday August 03, 2018 15:03 by Joe Terry
Imposing a President read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / environment / opinion/analysis Monday July 30, 2018 23:04 by pbp
The wildfires that struck Rafina, north east of Athens, have now claimed at least 80 lives with the number set to rise as many are still missing. This terrible catastrophe shows the interaction of climate change and austerity, both the result of a society that puts people before profit. The fires in Greece take place in the context of an intense heat wave that is global in scale and has produced fires not only in Greece but in Northern Sweden above the Arctic Circle. Brid Smith TD visiting her sister in Sweden reports temperatures of 32C in the shade and 40C in the sun. In hotter parts of the world such as Algeria and Iran they are soaring well over 40C and approaching the limits of human habitability. Fires, floods , droughts and intense storms – extreme weather in all its different forms – is what climate change means, not just rising sea levels in the future, and they are happening now. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Thursday July 19, 2018 19:04 by Anthony Ravlich
The UN's globalization and neoliberalism seek to eliminate global freedom and western culture. It creates multi-culturalism and diversity which in the extreme undermines western culture but if a country is to survive it must defend its culture. The fake liberals, really a social class, drive both neoliberalism and globalization which gains the support of the swamp. Other political parties need to be chosen to overcome the swamp. For example, Donald Trump in America is having some success against the swamp. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Sunday June 03, 2018 09:23 by Joe Terry
In an advanced technological communications era, what a waste and nonsense to even contemplate opening yet another embassy to add to the seventy-four existing Irish missions across the world? read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Sunday June 03, 2018 09:02 by Joe Terry
Inaugural Irish Defence Forces Values Champion Awards? read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Friday June 01, 2018 22:06 by John Throne
Explains why Irish capitalism is to blame as well as the irish hierarchy of rat crimes against women and children in Ireland. read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / public consultation / irish social forum / opinion/analysis Sunday May 27, 2018 21:44 by 1 of indy
This is story is being reposted as it is considered to be of noteworthy interest to the issue of Brexit since it will probably have a significant impact on Ireland Remainers claim that Brexit will be an economic apocalypse. But it provides the opportunity for a radical break with neoliberalism. Nothing better reflects the muddled thinking of the mainstream European left than its stance on Brexit. Each week seems to produce a new chapter for the Brexit scare story: withdrawing from the EU will be an economic disaster for the UK; tens of thousands of jobs will be lost; human rights will be eviscerated; the principles of fair trials, free speech, and decent labour standards will all be compromised. In short, Brexit will transform Britain into a dystopia, a failed state ? or worse, an international pariah ? cut off from the civilized world. Against this backdrop it?s easy to see why Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn is often criticized for his unwillingness to adopt a pro-Remain agenda. read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / gender and sexuality / opinion/analysis Friday May 25, 2018 16:58 by 1 of indy
On May 25th we in Ireland finally get to vote to Repeal the hated 8th amendment. Here we present the 8 reasons WSM members are voting Yes to Repeal along with many of the articles we have published on the issue in recent months. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Friday May 18, 2018 13:37 by Joe Terry
The LÉ Samuel Beckett is one of ten warships taking part in Operation Sophia, or EUNAVFOR Med, nine of which are from navies of NATO-aligned countries. read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues / opinion/analysis Friday May 11, 2018 22:13 by Joe Terry
Flashback to a July 28th, 2012 media report: Tony O’Brien, who led a special unit charged with reducing hospital trolley numbers and waiting lists over the past year, is the new head of the HSE. read full story / add a comment
national / housing / opinion/analysis Wednesday May 09, 2018 12:39 by séamas carraher
Ireland, with its punishing history of colonisation, has a no less traumatic ‘memory’ of property, its possession and, more importantly, its dispossession or lack... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Thursday May 03, 2018 12:58 by Joe Terry
Leaving the EU, Ireland will regain sovereignty, get its wealth back by repossessing its natural resources, fisheries and sub-terrain assets. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Friday April 27, 2018 15:00 by Joe Terry
The Republic if Ireland should conduct a serious assessment of military institutions of the State. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Saturday April 07, 2018 00:02 by 1 of indy
The Western Corporate and State media has been saturated for the past month or so over the Skripal poisoning case of an ex Russia intelligence officer and his daughter. The level of hysterical reaction is enough to make you sit up and realize there is a lot more going on here and there is some kind of agenda being sent and it is clearly part of the relentless ongoing Russia phobia and hating campaign that we have all had to bear with over the last few years and particularly so since the US sponsored Neo Nazi coup in the Ukraine in Feb 2014 and then the nerve of the Russia army to be invited into Syria by the Syria government and their near total elimination of the US-UK-France backed ISIS terrorists injected into Syria (via Saudi Arabia and Turkey before the latter's turn away from US) to push their own agenda to destroy regimes not compliant to the West.
In this analysis below from "The Saker" he uses simple logic to completely show the absurdity of the claims of the UK government regarding the Skripal case although in a more wider context. It is quite clear to anyone with a few brain cells that this is part of a deep state operation. read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / opinion/analysis Thursday March 08, 2018 11:12 by Emma Robinson
Despite political institutions keeping the subject on the low, whistleblowers and civil rights activists are raising flags regarding what they regard as a threat to fundamental freedom for States. A trend leading to the disappearance of physical currency, they fear, will inconspicuously and irreversibly invite totalitarianism into our lives. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Monday March 05, 2018 11:15 by Anthony Ravlich
Germany in the midst of a migrant crisis seems to be failing to defend its culture and way of life. Germany's leader, Angela Merkel, seems captured by the EU and UN. My book shows the latter created a new globally dominant ideology, Neoliberal Absolutism, which has determined western culture and global freedom for decline. I regard neoliberal absolutism as 'evil' because it seems extemely likely that people would not be able to think for themselves or even have a conscience of their own. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Thursday February 22, 2018 11:35 by Pat Waine
We all heard the comment , the rebels of 1916 would turn in their grave at the Republic we now have. Well this article asks a question. That question is where is there any proof to back that up . One big hole in that argument is that most of "the rebels " survived and lived long enough to shape the Republic we ended up with read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Thursday February 15, 2018 00:55 by Anthony Ravlich
Saving Western civilization and global freedom. I am seeking funding to research Islamic terrorism in Europe. My recent book describes aspects that require further research e.g. on 10 Dec 2008 the UN extended the domain of secularism to cover the whole Universal Declaration. I the chapter on Bangladesh I show how this certainly appear to lead to an enormous eruption of violence by Muslim extremists. This indicates that the UN's decision may have led to a increase in Islamic terrorism globally but requires further research. read full story / add a comment
international / environment / opinion/analysis Wednesday February 14, 2018 19:52 by Friends of the Limousin forest
This is an invitation from the Limousine Mountain to all potential accomplices who oppose the industrial offensive currently taking place under the veil of an ‘ecological transition’. read full story / add a comment |