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Monday June 29, 2015 16:41
by Cat - Attac

We say no too!
This Saturday, 4th of July, we are gathering to express our Solidarity with the Greek people. The march will start at 12pm at the Central Bank.
Please join in the march!
Event on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/372093629667333/
We are also tweeting with the hashtags:

In recent weeks we have seen a concerted effort by the Troika to overturn the democratic decision of the Greek people in January's election to reject austerity.
This began with offering austerity ultimatums in negotiations, escalated to openly discussing replacing the elected government with its opponents, and has finally resulted in outright financial blackmail in removing ELA assistance to force Greek banks to close this week.
The Greek government has taken a democratic decision to go to the people with the proposed terms of a bailout - something the Irish government never did. This decision must be defended against attack by supporters around the world.
We join demonstrators in cities across Europe in standing with the Greek people as they say OXI / NO to the Troika - its antidemocratic practices, its austerity policies and its lack of mandate to decide our futures.
Join us from 12pm Saturday at the Central Bank!
Supported by Greek Solidarity Committee, Attac Ireland, Debt and Development Coalition, Anglo: Not Our Debt, Sinn Féin, People Before Profit, Anti-Austerity Alliance, UNITE Trade Union, Mandate Trade Union, OPATSI, Ballyhea Says No, Communities Against Water Charges, Dublin Says No, Anti-Racism Network Ireland, 1Yi, the Hellenic Community of Ireland, Community Solidarity Kildare, We're Not Leaving, National Citizens' Movement, The People's Movement
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Comments (6 of 6)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6Thankfully the Greeks voted 61% No against further austerity demands by the country's EU-IMF creditors.
The banker and bond vultures have been spreading rumours that does would automatically result in a Greek exit of the Euro. This isn't necessarily true although it could be true if they did not agree to a write down on the debt. Considering the debt would be immediately be used to bailout the EU banks, it is really all about saving their own skin.
In an interview the country's finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, said the No majority result was a vote in favour of democracy and social justice and will allow Athens to call on its partners to find a fair deal.
"As of tomorrow, with this brave 'No' the Greek people handed us.... we will extend a helping hand towards our lenders. We will call on each one of them to find common ground"
Despite the victory in the referendum with a 61% No vote, the Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has resigned and says he was put under pressure to do so.
This is what he wrote at: http://yanisvaroufakis.eu/2015/07/06/minister-no-more/
Minister No More!
Posted on July 6, 2015 by yanisv
Meanwhile on the Saker blog, he predicts a color revolution for Greece since they have humiliated the Eurobureaucrats.
He writes:
Full text at http://thesaker.is/how-the-empire-will-strike-back/
A few questions need to be answered, or at least posed:
1. Who are the creditors(really, where does the magic money come from?).
2. How is credit created and what is it?(Gold Standard gone since 1930s, pretty much).
3. What is fractional reserve banking?
4. What is the role of BIS(Bank for International Settlements)?
5. Is China really the big story?
6. Is it looking a little like 1928/9? End of the Global Ponzi scheme?
7. Where did the vast majority of the bailout money go, and to whom?(see recent Joseph Stiglitz article).
An article by Christian Salmon and Mediapart:
The thing is people don't realise just how dangerous socialism is,socialists tend to put their ideals and pride above the people,does he not realise that food on the table and money in the bank is more important than his idealology?
paul murphy may have the right intentions,don't get me wrong,but he won't be able to deal with the eurocrats,they are in the business A LOT LONGER than he is ,he's just the new kid on the block to be fair..
look at north korea,people are eating grass out of desperation from hunger,or what about venezuela and the empty supermarkets - a socialist statue of lenin or kim jong un may be nice to look at but you can't eat it can you??
Tell me rua, exactly what is totalitarian socialism?? is it totalitarian to want to prioritise housing and feeding people and giving them an education and good public healthcare, keeping the commons and public utilities and services in communal ownership and putting all that before individual or corporate profits and greed?
And how totalitarian would you describe NSA mass spying etc? Makes the stasi look like rank amateurs I think.
In fact the US police routinely kill more people than the NK government do, and they have more prisoners per capita than anyone else in the world including russia, china and NK.
And just how much of North Koreas economic woes, as with Cuba, are as a result of bullying , embargos and sanctions of the world's capitalist countries orchestrated by the US, for not capitulating to the will of global capitalism and finance, as opposed to the inherent evils of socialism/communism? And maybe North Korea are understandably paranoid as a result of 25% of their entire population being carpet bombed to death by the US? You regularly get made up lies about executions by packs of dogs and people eating grass in the DPRK in our papers but they fail to mention that particular fact very often. ruthlessly killing millions from 20,000 feet trumps the odd execution don't you think?.
The current system of "every rat for himself" capitalism would happily usurp the commons and all public utilities and put a toll booth on everything and leave the poor on the street homeless, hungry and unable to afford either healthcare of education if it could get away with it. Is that really so much better than what socialism aspires towards? Don't think so.
It's not Paul murphy's fault that the EU are a bunch of financial terrorists and fascists.
It is disingenuous to blame leftist politicians , trying to fight for a better world for the unelected unanswerable arrogant bullying, financial terrorism
and increasingly fascist nature of the EU. And whether Murphy drinks coffee or not is completely irrelevant.
Read crazy cat's link to see just how dirty a game the unanswerable EU fascists played with varoufakis and the greeks. That is the true face of EU fascism, i.e. the merger of corporate financial and state interests.
Clearly you are just having a few cheap shots at Paul Murphy. Probably some FG minion trying to score some political points or something yes?
Nice job FG are doing privatising away our country by stealth for our "friends" in Europe and US vulture funds.
Unlike the greeks, no need to threaten FG with cutting off bank liquidity and destroying our economy because FG are already all too willing to sell us out
without a fight. As long as they get some of the action.
And they'll always get a few useful idiots with stockholm syndrome to run interference, attack their political opponents and parrot their propaganda. probably for free too. If you are going to be a useful idiot and shoot your own class in the back at least get some money for it Rua! after all that's all that matters isn't it?
Yeah, socialism is evil......except of course when the rich want socialism for their debts, eh rua? But that's different isn't it?