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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20"Local people allege that the riots were a "celebration" of the release from prison of a local criminal. Others have claimed that the easy availability of alcohol, coupled with the complete absence of any meaningful activities for youths in the area, were the cause of the trouble."
Of course it was absolutly nothing to do with parents failing to take responsibility for their offspring..................
"But other areas of the city never see incidents like this. Poor policing, lack of direction in local politics, and the loss of status for authority figures from the past such as priests and other community leaders (including the IRA) undoubtedly have a part to play in incidents like this."
And how do you explain my recollection as an ex-resident of this area, the exact same thing happening in the exact same place about 24 years ago? All Ireland night - either 83 or 84. And there's been other incidents since particulary on St. Patricks day. History has a habit of repeating itself and the authorities don't seem to have long memories.
There were similar disturbances in Gallanstown/Cherry Orchard about ten years ago at Haloween, when hundreds of people attacked the Gardai with petrol bombs, one Garda car was abandoned at the scene (and burned out later on), sprayed with something like "lima tango alpha, assistance, assistance" - which is what they had been saying on their radios, the rioters had access to a scanner. Supposedly organised/orchestrated by criminals from the area but like any serious riot in Dublin, eg. Love Ulster, much of it is spontaneous and ad-hoc.
''insanity is a perfectly natural reaction to an un-natural enviorment''
I live in Finglas, I know the guys involved. One thing i will say weahter people agree or disagree, but since the ceasefire the the IRA the level of anti-social behaviour has got out of control along with drugs and criminal gamgs. The ordinary people of Finglas are left defenceless since the the IRA ceasefire, with no one to help or defend them against anti-social behaviour.
And seeing that now, an awful lot can be said for a community taking direct action
The people on here advocating vigilantism, terrorist justice and lynch mob rule wouldn’t happen be the same people condemning the US in other threads for detaining Al-queida suspects in Guantanamo without DUE PROCESS by any chance ???
No, different people, different article, different circumstances, pointless question
Was driving through Cabra on the way to Ashtown & could see at least 2 fires (one looked like car on fire on the street) from distance up on the hill. Amazing how bored people elsewhere don't riot or vandalise. Some people will always find someone else to blame. Hilarious that some locals saying they celebrating a release of a criminal by rioting.
Where is the water cannon when you need it.
As a road user & motorist which would your priority be should this ever spread to either Cabra or Ashtown?
Oh what do you suggest?
Firstly airstrikes with high explosive bombs, napalm and air to ground rockets to level every building in the area followed by an assault with tanks and troops firing indiscriminately with cannons and machine guns at the screaming survivors?
I think it is a jumble of social problems - lack of community spirit for one, lack of parental control and no adult roles models to knock some sense into these young fellas.
People shouldn't sit around waiting for the government to do everything though certainly government assistance would be welcome.
So one or two here advocate state violence against these, but the community standing up, such as concerned parents against drugs, that’s not welcome. I see.
In my naivety of youth I though the Garda would actually serve the people and fight against this mob. It never happened, and now I look back at what actually worked. Which I was spectacle of at the time.
No trail. The community lives with these thugs; they know who they are, and their guilt. But a judge living on the opposite side of the city has a right to reside over them who doesn’t personally know them.
That makes no sense to me anymore. They get released constantly from courts with no convictions. Back to harass the local community
If you live in Finglas West and want to do something positive for this recently troubled area, please see this event on Wednesday 26 March :
Plant potatoes???? God this country is getting worse - from one extreem to another. I live in Finglas in the area of the Riots and I am shocked at the Lack of support not only from our Gardi!, but also the surrounding communities, politicians and the general public. These youths have been intimadating locals for a long time, when you call the Guards they tell you that they know who they are but they can't do anything - how defalting and frightening is that! Where the hell was our army on Patricks Day and what the hell are they getting paid for!!
The element that terrorised the ordinary decent working class people of Finglas are simply thugs, they belong to the underclass of society and their parents have totally abdicated their responsibilities. One wonders where they were when this day long riot was going on? I sympathise greatly with local people who have to suffer such a nightmare. Neither the state nor its police force gives a damn about what happens in working class areas. Based on personal experience, I know what ‘living’ in such an environment is like. Can anyone imagine a similar disturbance being allowed to continue all day in Dublin 4?
In response to comment "Are you for Real":
I live in Finglas and I am for real. Yeah my bike's been stolen twice, cars behind my flat have been burnt out, but I don't think calling in the army is the answer.
However trying to grow some food and plant some trees and flowers on what was overgrown wasteland seems to me to be the start of an answer. At least it's a step in the right direction and it's taking a positive action. Endless criticism of the gardaí, parents, society isn't.
FFS they can't even drive thru Ballymun.
It is really necessary to take on teenage joyriders, arsonists and rioters with armoured personnel carriers and troops armed with assault rifles?
Would we have any right to complain about Bloody Sunday, the use of rubber bullets or Pvt. Lee Clegg ever again?
I work in the area of Finglas and I have found most people are law abiding. There are also a lot of very nice, hardworking people whose only concern is the welfare and safety of their children. However it is not the easiest environment to raise a child in as it can be quite intimidating, Please dont generalise the area of Finglas. It is the minority, as in every community who are the bad eggs. No restraint only arrest will stop them from the trouble they choose to engage in.
Blame the parents? But of course, ...but blame them for putting up with mind numbing, cheap and nasty tv, for allowing their kids to grow up on it,..i mean, big brother etc, simon cowel ,ozzy and co,..come on,...... bosco had more cred than this lot. Its even more so the offensive advertisements, repeat repeat repeat, i mean what are they saying,....''You are bored, we want your money, we have things to sell you"..... Who needs an advertisement about,....SOFA'S,...Who are these kids heroes,.....i dunno, it becks and posh,..whaow, now there's role models for ya.
Im sorry to say it but dear old ireland is turning into just another part of dear old england, it the cheap tv,.tesco,.debenhams,.argos,.......We used to think it was bad enough with BHS next door to the GPO......Now we run into the arms of big british business because we're bored.
Blame the parents? But of course, when a wee boy of say,..4 or 5 is acting the knacker, daddy is almost proud of his little "rebel", and mammy, well, after dressing up the little fella in some cheap sports clothes, putting gel in his hair, sure its no wonder she lets him away with it, "sure he's just like his da".
It's the "don't tell me what to do" syndrome,'s a common sign of insecurity, and it's no wonder people feel insecure,....i mean whats the message they're being polluted with 5,6,7 hours a day,. ...the message is, you are your money, we want your money, your money as all that counts. Rich and poor, you all buy into it.
Poor old Ireland is but 1 step behind England which is but step behind America.
Goodluck sorting this one out lads.
Everyone knows it's only a small percentage, just like it is in most places. I grew up in finglas, in which I saw people being beaten nearly to death outside my house, people being shot on my street, joyriders racing up and down the street, cars being crashed into by them, cars been robbed, people being so terrorised they can't leave their houses. It's easy to blame to parents, but one of the things I've also seen is some of these parents, being the victims of thier own children, too afraid to speak up, or stop them. There's no deterant anymore, there's no justice. Read the paper any day, and you'll see people with 50+ convictions getting off free, cause of the 'underprivilaged' card. Many people I knew, including myself came from a poor family, didn't have much growing up, but we still never did anything like that. I've no idea what would solve the problem, maybe the 3 strikes and your out rule might work. But it's time for the people in charge to get off thier asses and do something.