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Isis And The Recent Developments In Iraq And Syria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Partially fuelled, no doubt, by US and Saudi money and weapons supplied for the fight in Syria, ISIS, a branch of Al Qaeda has routed the Iraqi military in a series of offences across the country, taking control of significant parts of the country. These are the exact same people fighting for freedom and democracy with US and Saudi backing just across the border in Syria. The staggering cynicism of US policy in the middle east and the blatant doublespeak of their media is laid bare by these recent events in Iraq in the last few days. In an article posted to WSWS, Bill van Auken picks through the wreckage Here is a quote from the article: An essential component of the American strategy in launching a war to topple Saddam Hussein was to exploit Shia resentments in order to win allies against the Sunni-based Baathist regime. Washington crassly manipulated sectarian tensions as part of a divide and conquer strategy that ultimately unleashed sectarian warfare that led to countless thousands of deaths and the displacement of entire populations. You can read the whole thing here: |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17Tony Cartalucci suggests that there is more to all this than meets the eye.
Is it justification for an invasion of Syria? Or the next move on Iran by the backdoor?
It's really stretching the imagination that the US did not see this coming. And a well organised military in lines of nice new toyota trucks doesn't just materialise out of the sand does it?
ISIS are now very rich and armed to the teeth. They liberated nearly half a billion dollars in Mosul
They also "liberated" quite a lot of US ordinance and hi tech weaponry which would be pretty hard for the US to just hand over to these nutjobs by normal channels. No doubt much of this will now be directed at Assad in Syria thus helping the current US agenda there
Their victory comes with no mercy. Up to 1700 captured soldiers may thus far have been ruthlessly executed by ISIS:
More and more this looks like it will greatly serve the US agenda in Syria. Also it scares up oil prices quite nicely. They are currently at a high making bumper profits for the oil corporations. In the absence of middle east and Ukranian turmoil, there is currently quite a lot of oil available on the market and it should otherwise be below $100 a barrel according to analysts
Malaki and his government were not particularly co-operative with US interests so no big loss there. Also, currently ISIS actions dovetail nicely with the US "agenda" in Syria, arming the opposition with heavy weaponry and as a bonus, scaring up oil prices, but I expect if the ISIS rebels dare to try to attack and take over the actual oilfields themselves in the south of Iraq, they will find the US a lot less indecisive in their response and they know it. And they know it because their former US paymasters in Syria have probably told them so directly!.
This Islamic Emirate in Iraq and the Levant group yet another joint operation to save the rebels in Syria and to try and reduce Iran's influence in Iraq. It may also be designed to help accelerate the splitting up of Iraq into three regions dominated by different tribes, Kurds to the North, Sunni and then Shia.
According to Thierry Meyssan:
Already we see moves by the USA to try to impose a no fly zone and this would be used as cover to protect their terrorists which are almost defeated in Syria.
The question that has to be asked is how does such a large band of terrorists make such sweeping advances and come out of nowhere when we know the entire Middle East is under continuous electronic and satellite surveillance. If the US was really interested in helping the Iraqi government, they would have already provided intelligence on the movement of these Jihadists. When looked at critically, it doesn't seem to make any sense. At this stage the 'ISIS' are apparently within 60 miles of Baghdad.
In a piece titled: The Engineered Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq. Towards the Creation of a US Sponsored Islamist Caliphate at Michel Chossudovsky says:
See the full text at the link above.
This is like a micro version of the Iran - Iraq war from 1980 to 1988 where well over 1 million died. The war was pushed by the same usual Western government suspects who supplied arms to both sides and encouraged each to attack each other. The geopolitical objective was to bog down both sides in a futile war which would drain their resources so that neither would become strong regional powers. So today we see the exact same strategy.
Michel Chossudovsky interviewed on the Guns and Butter show clearly outlines the ISIS is a tool of the Western governments.
In the show he states the obvious:
Everything indicates this capture of a city of more than 1 million people was staged because it is impossible for a force of 1000 rebels to come in and take over a city of 1 million when it has a standing army of 30,000. It was a very well equipped army and would have decimated those 1000 rebels in no time, with US advanced technology, helicopters and so on.
The commander general of those forces left the city -was either told to leave or co-opted in some way.
You can download the audio at:
Guns & Butter: ISIS: An Instrument of the Western Military Alliance with Michel Chossudovsky.
The US has recently said that there will be no intervention until Maliki steps down.
The Shia Maliki government is sympathetic to Iran.
The Maliki government, whilst corrupt and sectarian, has also greatly resisted US wishes in Iraq, especially in his refusal to sign the "status of forces" immunity agreement.
This effectively allows any US troops stationed in Iraq to rape and torture or go on a drunken killing spree without ever being held to account
So perhaps the US view is, "why not just get rid of the Maliki government using our jihadist proxies, while scaring up oil prices for the major oil corporations?"
And as I post, ISIS has just taken over the largest oil refinery in Iraq at Baiji
And now ISIS are armed with US heavy weapons and loaded with US dollars, there's now a wonderful excuse to attack parts of Syria. Why, to stop terrorism of course!
win win win
And an article from Pepe Escobar:
It really seems to be some quagmire
If we first repatriated all muslims back to their country of origin,and relied on green energy,as oposed to oil,this ''problem'' this ''crisis'' this ''humanitarian'' ''crisis'' wouldn't be our problem anymore.
The traitorous politicians that have gone before and the one's that are there currently have endangered many western countries with these homophobic muslim knuckledragger terrorists..
By having an open door situation,and aggressively enforcing multiculturalism from mainly arab lands on to our shores,we have ended up in this precarious situation,whereby more terrorist incidents could occur..Thank you traitors and red scum..
There have been shia and sunni clashes on british streets,muslim peadophile groomers etc,coming soon to a town near you....
actually with the US and Saudis arming and funding radical Islam all over the middle east and Africa and Saudi money being used to corrupt our western politicians, this issue will not "go away".
For example, Enda Kenny was recently over in Saudi Arabia with dodgy overpaid rehab head, Angela Kerins, negotiating what I don't know, but whatever the motivation, it is probably bad news for the Irish people. I wonder how much FG would need as a backhander to facilitate the planting of the seeds for a long game Irish Calliphate under sharia law?
However if there is a real problem with our borders, currently it is because of the EU open border policy not allowing us to regulate our borders proportionately to our available resources and population. Their policy of dilution as outlined by "sinister suds" in this article below should be troubling to anyone who puts value on their unique Irish culture and roots:
EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief Peter Sutherland
I have no problem with a proportionate quota number of unfortunate and deserving Asylum seekers coming to live here, muslim or not, as long as they are properly screened for transmissable diseases like mers / sars / ebola, are properly integrated and not allowed to form ghettos as in other countries. But in the longer term, we need to keep religions out of our schools and our legislation, be it Islam or catholicism or any other. We've had quite enough of that. A common solid secular base education for all and religion in your own time is the recipe to solve many of our social ills over time.
However I think there would be a lot less Asylum seekers in need if the US stopped kicking hornets nests all over the middle east and west Africa. That is at the root of a lot of this problem. We should not be blaming the victims all the time, just deal with them in a fair logical and proportionate manner, while addressing the root causes diplomatically at state level, instead of kissing up to the culprits whose cynical violent and self serving geopolitical agendas are causing many / most of these social catastrophes around the globe.
But Asylum is really not the problem we should be fixated on. It is mostly just a distraction. A scape goat for the masses to get angry over over. Some patsies to blame for the austerity and lack of jobs scenario engineered by the politicial classes and their bankster pals.
Clearly the people we really need to eject from our country to improve things are the political gombeens and white collar criminals in banks scheming against the Irish people for personal gain on a huge scale, not a few unfortunate Asylum seekers just trying to survive.
ISIS/ISIL has momentum, money and power behind it for sure, the speed at which this plan has been rolled out in scary. Michel Chossudovsky has a good insight as usual. In relation to Peter Sutherland and his nefarious activities, diversity is healthy up to a point although expecting people from disparate cultures to create some kind of multicultural soup is crazy. Either people want to have children with people outside of their race or culture or they don't, they've had plenty of opportunity in the past decade but it still appears to be the exception. There's also an ugly practice of peddling self hating journalism in the more middle class newspapers and magazines, the Irish are fat, ugly, stupid etc etc. We need to figure out who we actually are and what we really want, if this force breaks through to Europe/Uk we could have a fight on our hands.
For days now, since their dramatic June 10 taking of Mosul, Western mainstream media have been filled with horror stories of the military conquests in Iraq of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, with the curious acronym ISIS.
ISIS, as in the ancient Egyptian cult of the goddess of fertility and magic. The media picture being presented adds up less and less.
Details leaking out suggest that ISIS and the major military ‘surge’ in Iraq - and less so in neighboring Syria - is being shaped and controlled out of Langley, Virginia, and other CIA and Pentagon outposts as the next stage in spreading chaos in the world’s second-largest oil state, Iraq, as well as weakening the recent Syrian stabilization efforts.
Strange facts
The very details of the ISIS military success in the key Iraqi oil center, Mosul, are suspect. According to well-informed Iraqi journalists, ISIS overran the strategic Mosul region, site of some of the world’s most prolific oilfields, with barely a shot fired in resistance. According to one report, residents of Tikrit reported remarkable displays of “soldiers handing over their weapons and uniforms peacefully to militants who ordinarily would have been expected to kill government soldiers on the spot.”
We are told that ISIS masked psychopaths captured “arms and ammunition from the fleeing security forces” - arms and ammunition supplied by the American government. The offensive coincides with a successful campaign by ISIS in eastern Syria. According to Iraqi journalists, Sunni tribal chiefs in the region had been convinced to side with ISIS against the Shiite Al-Maliki government in Baghdad. They were promised a better deal under ISIS Sunni Sharia than with Baghdad anti-Sunni rule. - ---
William Engdahl is an award-winning geopolitical analyst and strategic risk consultant whose internationally best-selling books have been translated into thirteen foreign languages.
Here is a documentary from Vice News, who sent a team to dicover ISIS. Excellent work and very disturbing.
Caption: Video Id: AUjHb4C7b94 Type: Youtube Video
Embedded video Youtube Video
rather than re-invent the wheel, here's an excellent post by harvard Researcher Garikai Chengu
more informative links with info you won't get on RTE
US plans massive military escalation in Syria and Iraq
Article from George Monbiot:
And the ever good Pepe Escobar:
Photo 1: John McCain meeting illegally in a rebel safe house with the heads of the “Free Syrian Army” in Idlib, Syria in April, 2013. In the left foreground, top al Qaeda terrorist leader Ibrahim al-Badri (aka Al-Baghdadi of ISIS, aka Caliph Ibrahim of the recently founded Islamic Empire) with whom the Senator is talking. Behind Badri is visible Brigadier General Salim Idris (with glasses), the former military chief of the FSA, who has since fled to the Gulf states after the collapse of any semblance of the FSA. (Courtesy
Photo 2: U.S. Senator John McCain meeting illegally in 2013 with chiefs of the Free Syrian Army (i.e. ISIS)
Photo 1: McCain meets top al Qaeda terrorist leader
Photo 2
There's a good article in the Irish Times that doesn't actually follow the Washington script. It is upfront about Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States sponsoring the terrorists and even goes as far as suggesting the White House and State Dept want to continue the killing.
Profiteering and dirty deals prolong conflict in Syria
An Israeli think tank called GLORIA is the source for credible reports that ISIS attacked the Kurds in and around Kobane back in July with chemical weapons -namely mustard gas and was helped by Turkey and others. Turkey has been using the ISIS situation to attack the Kurds.
Caption: Video Id: -zQxiomeQD8 Type: Youtube Video
ISIS Butchers Attacked Kurds Around Kobane with Poison Gas in July-Mustard Gas Seen as Likely Agent