Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
Banking and Money Reform Conference – Aishling Hotel, Dublin - 29th April 2016
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event notice
Wednesday April 13, 2016 23:25
by Gerry - Public Banking Alliance

with Prof Richard Werner.
Prof Werner is the authority in the area of Public/Community Banking and also has an unrivalled understanding of the real forces controlling/manipulating economies worldwide.
Please allow me to bring the Banking and Money Reform Conference and the Public Banking project to your attention.
The Public Banking Forum of Ireland (PBFI) and the Public Banking Alliance (PBA) are working to introduce Community Public Banks to Ireland. Much progress has been made. We have learned that the Public Banking Project has been introduced into the Programme for Government discussions by the Independent TD’s.

The establishment of a community public banking network here in Ireland is essential. A banking system with the objectives of supporting SMEs who provide over 70% of all jobs, strengthening communities, supporting families and providing safety for deposits. Also to drive our indigenous economy and create a platform for rural revival.
This is a wonderful opportunity for all who attend to acquire a full understanding of the potential the community banking project offers to the Irish people and the Irish economy.
The PBFI and the PBA are pleased to announce the ‘Banking and Money Reform Conference’ on the 29 April, at the Aisling Hotel, Dublin.
The main speaker will be Prof Richard Werner, an advocate of Community Banking. He leads the group ‘Local First’ in Hampshire UK who are setting up a Community Bank there. It is planned to open this year.
Positive Money;
We will also have a submission from Ben Dyson of Positive Money UK on the day. http://positivemoney.org/
Full details on the conference below.
Community Bank Project:
The Public Banking Forum of Ireland (PBFI) was setup in 2013 to introduce to the debate the concept of Public Banking. It has since developed into a national campaign to introduce Community Public Banks. Prior to Election 2016 we setup the Public Banking Alliance (PBA) as a platform for all to support the project. Various forms of Public Banking are now being promoted by many of the political parties including, SF, Social Democrats, The Green Party, AAA-PBP, members of the Independents Alliance and other Independents. We also have received messages of support from individuals within FG & FF.
Key Message:
Germany has nearly 70% Community Public Banks; 42% Public Savings Banks (Sparkassen) and 26% Co-op Banks. Their support of small Businesses and the Farming within their regions is the backbone of the successful German economy. 86% of German businesses have a turnover of less than one million Euro p.a. The PBFI & PBA are working to introduce a similar system to the Sparkassen to Ireland to support SME’s and communities, drive our indigenous economy and create a platform for rural revival.
Prof Richard Werner:
Prof Richard Werner BSc (Econ), D.Phil. (Oxon) (Full Bio attached.)
Professor Werner is Chair in International Banking, Director, Centre for Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development; Director of Int'l Development within Southampton Management School at the University of Southampton.
Local First:
Prof Werner also heads up the group ‘Local First’ based in Hampshire UK. They will open their first Community Bank in Southampton this year. They plan to replicate this model throughout Britain.
Local First on BBC News: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-hampshire-24400036
Local Bank for Hampshire: A short BBC Documentary on the Project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLE0oJ9zrZo
Prof Werner has spoken throughout the world on Banking reform and advocates the introduction of Local Community Banks.
Local First is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC), promoting local banks.
1’:23” Video by Local First http://www.local-first.org.uk/
Prof Werner publications include:
• A lost century in economics: three theories of banking and the conclusive evidence - Werner, Richard
• An analytical review of volatility metrics for bubbles and crashes - Vogel, Harold and Werner, Richard A.
• Can banks individually create money out of nothing? - The theories and the empirical evidence - Werner, Richard A.
• Princes of the Yen: Japan's Central Bankers and the Transformation of the Economy (East Gate Books) May 2, 2003
• New Paradigm in Macroeconomics: Solving the Riddle of Japanese Macroeconomic Performance May 19, 2005
• Why Japanese economy or was killed (2003) ISBN: 4062118688 [Japanese Import]
Alex Templeton speaking at ECOBATE - UK – 2013
“Councils should bring local banks into being so they can become powerful partners and promote economic, social and environmental benefits to their communities.”
Watch his Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdLPWuRdIW8
• Banking and Money Reform Conference
• Aishling Hotel – Liffey Suite - Parkgate Street, Dublin 8, Ireland. Website Tel: + 353 (0)1 677 2324 Email: info@ashlinghotel.ie
• Date & Time: Friday 29th April 2016 from 9:15am until 2pm.
• Entry Fee: Corporate and Academics €50 (+ ticket service fee), Private individuals €20 (+ ticket service fee), Student & unemployed €10 (+ ticket service fee)
• Tickets from Eventbrite - Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/banking-and-money-reform-c...02886 Booking in advance is advised as spaces are limited.
• Getting there: 5 min from Heuston Train Station. 5 min from Heuston Luas Stop.
• Parking options: € National Museum €€ Heuston Station €€€ Hotel Carpark
Please e-mail us at info@publicbankingalliance.ie or phone us at one of the numbers below for further information. Booking in advance is required. 087-254-5548 or 086-329-6806
More information on Professor Werner and his work can be found on our websites (Use the search box.)
• Tickets from Eventbrite - Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/banking-and-money-reform-c...02886
Booking in advance is advised as spaces are limited.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference.
Please pass on this information to others who may be interested.
Caption: Video Id: TR7xdoPlaf8 Type: Youtube Video
Banking & Money Reform Conference - Short Promo Video
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Jump To Comment: 1 2Compared to Germany the banks here have open season on us.... see picture.
And more here http://publicbankingalliance.ie/?page_id=39 discussing Germany's public banks.
And while people might think this only concerns small business, it is more than that and affects a lot more and has very real social effects.
Banking: Ireland vs Germany
That table is quite alarming. The Agricultural Credit Corporation was established by the Irish Government in 1927 to make loans to farmers, and it was successful for most of the twentieth century. But in 2014 Rabobank became the owner and ACC offices in several towns and cities were closed. Even credit unions have lost some of their 'small saver' allure by getting into prestige office investment and departing from the simple community thrift ethos. The full facts behind the closure of Newbridge credit union in Kildare have yet to be placed in the public domain.