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Cabhair have four swimmers booked for this Christmas Day event (but it's early yet!) , including 'Superman' (pictured), who has confirmed that he will be entering Earth's atmosphere again to join the proceedings. He spent the last year practicing his landing skills and has assured the organisers that he will still make a splash on the day, but not with a bellyflop (we'll see) ...!
I'll post more updates on this thread, as I get them.
Thanks for reading,
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO! It's a Cabhair-sponsored swimmer !
(..well, not quite!)
We are the Boys from Wexford
Who swim with heart and hand
To burst in twain the galling chain
and free our native land...
A Cabhair Swim will also be held at Rosslare Strand, in Wexford : this 'dip in the (near) nip' (!) will be held on Wednesday, 26th December 2018 (St Stephen's Day) at 11am. If you can't make (or sponsor!) a swimmer in Dublin, you might be able to do so with the lads and lassies in Wexford.
A Cabhair Swim will be held on Rosslare Strand, Wexford, on the 26th December 2018 (St Stephen's Day).
Ten brave swimmers challenged themselves and the elements over the Christmas period to raise funds for the Cabhair organisation : six lads swam at the 3rd Lock of the Grand Canal in Dublin on Christmas Day and four of their comrades fought the tide in Rosslare Strand in Wexford on St Stephen's Day.
A few words and pics regarding the Wexford event can be had at this (Facebook) link -
- and a brief report and some pics re the Dublin event can be had at the 'Related Link' , below.
Fair play to the ten swimmers and to those that sponsored them, and those that turned-out to view the proceedings - good on ye all!
Thanks for reading,
Nice job.
I'd say it took some job to get the OPW permission for this canal swim.
Happy New year
Hi Paul!
"Fair Play" and "nice job" is right - missed your 'congrats' comments over the past few decades, but gonna look over the old threads again for same!
Anyway - the lads and lassies in Wexford tell me that they had awful trouble altogether trying to ok the swim with Neptune (he just wouldn't answer the phone to them) but sure they went ahead anyway.
And thanks for your good wishes - we'd be lost without ya!
Happy New Year to you, too.
Hello Sharon,
I not the Paul your referring to.
Well if it was Neptune for wexfprd it must have been Poseidon for Dublin.
I take it he didn't answer either.
Hi again, Paul !
So you're not the Paul that didn't show an interest over the last few decades of the swim? Right, so, thanks for clarifying that...
And I think St Adjutor, rather than Poseidon, might be a better 'fit' , Paul, but sure carry on, regardless !
The phone rang, but there was no one home. Probably gone fishing. You know - fishing, but you need good bait to successfully do that...
Thanks anyway,
A simple hook and line baited with a piece of doughy bread can catch the most surprising of fish.
Sometimes its not the bait you use but how and where you use it, even the tiddleywinks and like in the canal know that.
Delighted you had a nice dip
Thank you
..never blames his tools!
Hi again, Paul!
And sometimes it's not 'the bait' at all, Paul, but the person who's using it - his/her approach is so obvious to those s/he perceives to be just 'tiddleywinks' that it's hardly surprising that s/he fails in their endeavour.
Probably hear from you again this time next year - in the meanwhile, maybe change your approach to your 'quarry' and use better quality bait? Or go for something you might be capable of 'landing'?
Hi Sharon,
I caught exactly what I was fishing for, many thanks for your manoeuvres.
You do know lighting fires on the banks of the Canal is illegal?.
The canals act is quite clear para 38
8. No person shall—
( a ) bathe or swim in any lock, harbour or dock on the canals, except with the permission of the Commissioners;
( d ) light any fire which might endanger any part of the canal property or cause nuisance to other canal users;
Happy New Year
And hi again, Paul!
I never seen that coming, for sure!
You wish the swimmers all the best and hope that they had a nice dip...and then suggest they shouldn't be doing it at all!
And here was me thinking you were genuine all along...
Ah sure, 'tis me own fault for lettin' me guard down on the day that's in it (as many a tiddleywink said)!
Nice talking to you, anyway - and do have a good New Year, Paul - but leave the blunderbuss at home next time you go fishin'!
Hi Sharon,
No need for a blunderbuss (they are obsolete), I told you a doughy bit of bread and a hook and line can be the best option sometimes. Then again the old fish tickle works even better, it calms the down and lulls them into a false sense of security..
As for "wet behind the ears" you should have brought a towel to your little dip you would be dry by now.
I hope you remember Smokie the Bear from when you were young and cleaned up your "central heating" after you.
Time to party.... enjoy yourself
Happy New Year
And hi again, Paul!
Hold on to the blunderbuss - you would need it should you try and tickle the wrong type of fish and, in those circumstances, a towel would be as useless as a tickle, as it's a different type of 'wetness' I referenced - nor would it prove useful on a 'central heating' system, which reminds me that Smokey needs a bigger shovel (and better bait) !
Hope 2019 goes as well for you as 2018 seems to have!
Have you not seen the documentaries which show how even a shark can be soothed and caught by a tickle.
No need whatsoever for a shovel or better bait in this case.
Please do the people of the area who use the canal as a walking amenity a favour and don't burn your rubbish on the bank of the canal.
And actually 2018 was not a good year for me by any means, but as you say hopefully this year will be a Happy New Year.
Its been nice.
You have a nice year.
Hi Paul!
Best of luck in catching your shark in the Grand Canal (except for a 'Related Link'-type shark) but, should you be successful, it might have a different opinion than you have, regarding bait.
And if it talks back to you, Paul, before you tickle it into submission, would you ask it to tell you the difference between a turf fire on the canal for a few hours on one day of the year and someone 'burning rubbish on the bank of the canal'?
And sorry to hear that 2018 was not a good year for you, but I can't help wondering if you invited misfortune(s) on yourself that year as, I suspect, you might be inclined to do by, say, offering opinions/comments that could be construed as mischievous?
Anyway ; away with ya, man - those tiddlywinks/sharks won't tickle themselves...
You should have brought a battery powered heating system to the canal in the little jalopy parked by the railings.
On this basis you wouldn't have broken the bye laws by lighting a fire on the bank of the Canal (a public amenity). The photos you publish show it wasnt just turf you were burning.
As a local I am entitled to make comments about you lighting fires in breach of the bye laws. This may not suit your perspective but such is life.
I was always told to let a lady have the last word. So, in this case, with a lady who obviously has so many opinions and words to post and who thinks she is a bit of a "word and sarcasm shark" (in truth your a pinkeen in a puddle) , I shall leave you to your little podium where you can wax as lyrical as you feel appropriate about your little illegal paddle.
Happy New Year dear lady.
Hi Paul!
Re outdoor battery-powered heating system - one on the way via parcel post, I believe, but because it's coming from the future they couldn't guarantee delivery for Christmas Day 2019. More details at the 'Related Link', below (!). And the owner of that "old jalopy" (an 8-year-old Yaris) wishes to apologise for apparently offending you by not owning a 'posh' car of which you would approve. How insensitive of him, to drive something like that. His services will not be availed of next year. Unless he's driving a Porsche, of course.
And turf, as you might know, is not the easiest substance to ignite, thus the need for paper, cardboard, kindling etc - but , if it's any consolation to you, the (recycled) paper and cardboard used had all been gifted by a good-natured elf and the kindling wood was from downed branches and off-cuts from a building site, and delivered to the swim site by an eco-warrior on a pushbike.
But you don't have to be a local to make a comment about that or any other event, Paul , and more so when your comments are just so helpful - only wish we had more like you, as hot air would be appreciated on the day!
And I'm very disappointed that you had to be "told" to allow a lady to have the last word - a proper gentleman would know to do that . So this now-troubled "pinkeen in a puddle" is off to contemplate her future.
In the heat, hopefully...
Final score
Sharon - 1
trolling asshole idiot - 0
Keep up the good work sharon! :-D
Hi 'Adult Swim'!
It's a shame that this thread was diverted by 'Paul', but it was obvious from his first post that he was only here to be mischievous. I'd like to believe he'd think twice before his next 'dip' in that particular pool, but trolls always disappoint in that regard.
Anyway - the Swim went well, that's the main thing!