Documentary on The Midazolam Murders Of The Sick and Elderly .
international |
crime and justice |
Friday November 17, 2023 23:54
by Hancock

Each year, tens of thousands of elderly and terminally ill patients are quietly euthanised in NHS facilities. In hospitals, care homes and hospices, behind closed doors, their deaths are hastened in what appears to be a caring and humane way. But how has this practice of euthanasia – illegal in the UK and carrying a life prison sentence – become so widespread and acceptable? And why are people who are nowhere near the end of their lives being given killer ‘cocktails’ of drugs that are used in many US states for executions?
Excellent documentary about the Liverpool Pathway and the quiet euthanisation of tens of thousands of elderly patients in NHS hospitals.
In hospitals, care homes and hospices, behind closed doors, the deaths of patients are being hastened, unbeknownst to their families.
How has this practice of euthanasia - illegal in the UK and carrying a life prison sentence - become so widespread and acceptable?
And why are people who are nowhere near the end of their lives being given killer cocktails of drugs that are used in many US states for executions?
In the UK Midazolam was used and in the USA Remdesivir.
Absolutely appalling. No wonder so many people don't want to go anywhere near a hospital.
The UK Government / Matt Hancock authorised NICE Guideline NG163 using Midazolam plus an opioid (usually morphine, sometimes Alfentanil) to euthanise the UK elderly. NG163 is an exact replica regarding medication and doses as the abolished Liverpool Care Pathway. They had to create the fear through Deaths from April 2020, this is how they did it, mass involuntary euthanasia instructed by the state.
Van Tam gave the Midazolam Euthanasia plan by the UK Government the final sign off
The attached document here is the original NICE Guideline NG163 that was used throughout the NHS ... this document has been removed from virtually everywhere for a very good reason
See also this synopsis from original investigative reporter who broke the story
Euthanasia is being used as a medical protocol in UK hospitals.
Extensive research reveals that the Liverpool Care Pathway, which was abandoned in 2014 after being deemed inhumane, was brought back in at the start of the pandemic in early 2020 and is being implemented in hospitals and care homes across the UK.
Evidence includes the following:
- A House of Commons document detailing a conversation between Health Secretary Matt Hancock and Conservative MP Dr. Luke Evans, during which they discuss the use of certain medications to give Covid patients a “good death”. A good death is medical terminology for euthanasia.
- A video of the above conversation.
- Confirmation of Hancock ordering two years’ worth of a sedative called Midazolam from a French supplier. The order was made in March 2020. It was claimed at the time that the drug was for the treatment of Covid patients. Midazolam suppresses the respiratory system. Covid is a respiratory disease. Midazolam is used as an execution drug in the US.
- Quotes from doctors, pathologists and pharmacists confirming what Midazolam is and how it should and shouldn’t be used.
- Paperwork and links showing the LCP protocol was reintroduced in early 2020. This time around, it wasn’t called the Liverpool Care Pathway but the protocol was identical: the use of a cocktail of drugs (usually Midazolam and morphine), along with a withdrawal of food and water, leading to the untimely death of the patient.
- Documents showing the dosage of Midazolam given to Covid patients and showing how breathlessness in patients is to be managed using Midazolam.
- Information from anonymous insiders – including lawyers, doctors, care workers and nurses, who’ve seen this abominable practice happening first hand.
- A video made by Manchester mayoral candidate Michael Elston, outlining what he knows to be happening with regards to the killing and culling of the elderly using Midazolam.
- 16 case studies who are willing to speak to the Press about their loved ones’ deaths being ‘hastened’ in hospitals and care homes. Some cases are historic and occurred whilst the LCP was in place; some have happened in the last 14 months; one is a ‘near miss’, when a woman who had nothing wrong with her was put on end of life treatment only to be rescued by her grandson at the last minute.
To close her pitch, she added: “The normalisation of euthanasia has been occurring for years. This month, Matt Hancock started to push for the legalisation of assisted suicide. Why?”
Midazolam is a respiratory suppressant which feels like air hunger, you stop breathing and with a high enough dose causes death
Remdesivir floods the Lungs and sends a signal to other organs to retain water. 50% of patients died in the original clinical trial with it.
... both are used for involuntary euthanasia
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