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kilkenny / animal rights / press release Sunday January 12, 2014 13:54 by Bernie Wright
SATURDAY at 5pm. The AOHS have just received information from a Waterford train employee that a pack of hounds hunting across the train tracks have been apparently mowed down by the 2.50 Waterford to Dublin train. We are currently seeking conclusive proof about this incident!!!!-we now have some more on this. It happened apparently in the area of Mullinavat and the train accident happened at approximately 3.20 pm this afternoon at Mulinavat. As it is Saturday we presume it was the Kilkenny foxhounds hunt, who hunt every Saturday at 11am. This has yet to be confirmed.They would normally meet at 11 am. However we know that a hunt met today at the Rising Sun Pub as the pub staff have just confirmed. They however know nothing of the accident. Gardai in Moincoin were not informed. *Rising sun pub/ Mulinavat. Alternatively call 00353 (0) 51 898173 for enquires. read full story / add a comment ![]()
kilkenny / worker & community struggles and protests / news report Wednesday August 01, 2012 18:41 by Kevin Doyle
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The workers at the Amber Women’s Refuge in Kilkenny began picketing their place of work this week to highlight the impact of the austerity cuts on the service they provide. This interview was conducted earlier in the week with Claire O’Neill of the Amber Women’s Refuge Centre. read full story / add a comment ![]()
kilkenny / animal rights / news report Thursday March 12, 2009 14:13 by Bernie Wright
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The Alliance for Animal Rights who are totally opposed to the use of animals are glad to hear of a welcome development in Ormonde College, kilkenny.We hope the use of audio-visual approaches as opposed to animal experiments at Ormond college will spread within the research community. read full story / add a comment ![]()
kilkenny / animal rights / press release Tuesday February 17, 2009 10:57 by Bernie Wright
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The KILKENNY DOGS will be given to rescues for re-homing, they are saved. We have just had it confirmed from Jim Ryan , Kilkenny County Council that a decision has been made via his superior Tony Walsh ,Director of services that the seized dogs will be not killed but will be given out to rescues for re-homing. Seven dogs were already returned to the travellers –THE REST ARE SAVED. We had stressed the dogs did not deserve to die and that some of them were pregnant and that a prompt decision was vital. We had been preparing for to demonstrate but thankfully people power and all the emails and calls have won the day. Thank you to all who cared enough to get involved. Thank you to Kilkenny county Council for making the humane decision. We wish the dogs a full and happy life. I have offered help to the Council with the logistics of moving or relocating these animals. Phone me if you can be on standby if needed. read full story / add a comment
kilkenny / animal rights / opinion/analysis Friday November 28, 2008 11:28 by Bernie Wright
The AOHS have contacted (Laura Keys) at the Kilkenny People newspaper who have confirmed that online opinion polls are open to mass voting by lobby groups. We alerted our supporters to the vote online but realise that as this poll is running for a week till Tuesday it means nothing in terms of real analysis. The votes in favour of ‘foxhunting being discontinued’ have fluctuated from over 80% in favour to just below 50% at other times. Its like a game show, excuse the pun, and the site itself easily allows repeat voting, it is readily open to abuse which makes it all irrelevant. The newspaper have now confirmed they are well aware of the mass-voting aspect. “For this reason I think it's pointless to participate in these "polls". They are totally unscientific, are easily rigged, and only really exist to drive traffic to the sites to boost their advertising revenue. read full story / add a comment ![]()
kilkenny / history and heritage / news report Monday June 30, 2008 18:57 by Sean Walsh
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A commemoration was held at Inistioge, Co. Kilkenny, on 27th and 28th June for George Brown who died fighting for the Spanish Republic in the Spanish Civil War at the Battle of Brunete in 1937. read full story / add a comment ![]()
kilkenny / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday September 04, 2006 17:25 by Labour Youth
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The Tom Johnson summer school - the annual summer school of the Labour Party took place during the weekend in Kilkenny. This year the Jim Kemmy award was given to the community in Rossport and Erris and was accepted by Vincent McGrath of the Rossport Five. The Labour Party leader Pat Rabbitte T.D. presented the award. Past recipients of the award have included Rosanna Flynn of Residents against Racism and pro choice anti racist and community activist Cathleen O Neil. The award in memory of Jim Kemmy is given to people who courageously campaign and stand up for left wing political values. Vincent Mc Grath and the Rossport community were presented with an original and rare edition of Michael Davitts prison notes to symbolise the connection between Davitt and the current struggle of the people of Erris - both have fought for the rights of Irish people to own their land. read full story / add a comment ![]()
kilkenny / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday June 20, 2006 17:45 by Community Activist
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Last Saturday 17 June, Cumann Ógra Shinn Féin Proinsias Ó Riain, Ceatharlach / Cill Choinnigh, held a public meeting in Kilkenny city. The aim of the meeting entitled, "Young People and Drugs in the Community" was to raise public awareness regarding the increasing drug problem in our communities, especially in the context of young people, whom Ógra Shinn Féin represent. read full story / add a comment
kilkenny / health / disability issues / news report Friday September 23, 2005 18:33 by Paul Ryan
Camphill Community, Ballytobin, near Callan in County Kilkenny, is a small rural community caring at present for 22 children and 12 adults, all with disabilities. It was established in 1979 as a therapeutic farm, to provide a home and school maily for children with exceptional needs, some with multiple disabilities and disturbances. This video was made during their recent Open Day and tries to give a feeling of what that day was like along with some history and a bit about the renewable energy and sustainable living projects that are going on out there. read full story / add a comment ![]()
kilkenny / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday July 18, 2005 23:06 by Brendan F.
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In solidarity with the Rossport Five, Sinn Fein activists in the South East are now blockading Shell stations. Shell to Sea acknowledges and welcomes these actions, more of the same please. read full story / add a comment
kilkenny / environment / opinion/analysis Saturday April 16, 2005 20:55 by Darragh Murphy
kilkenny / miscellaneous / news report Saturday October 18, 2003 15:50 by Concerned citizen
real food for real people.............. We love food, not bombs read full story / add a comment
kilkenny / public consultation / irish social forum / press release Tuesday August 05, 2003 16:37 by St.John Ó Donnabháin
Tuesday the 12th of August @ 8pm Gluaiseacht- For Global Justice Office, c/o The Scout and Guide Centre, Bennettsbridge Road, Kilkenny. read full story / add a comment |