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national / health / disability issues Tuesday November 30, 2021 23:54 by Lawyers For Justice Ireland
Update: Finally as of Monday Feb 28th the mask mandate is now gone from all shops, schools, pubs, restaurants, hotels and all settings except medical establishments.
Once again the country is plunging itself into absurdities and diving deeper into insanity for the government is no less than bringing in mandates for healthy children to wear masks all day long in school. It is the most insane measure yet, and it so wrong on so many fronts. The worst part is that many parents will follow these guidelines which is both physically and mentally damaging to their own kids, but the ground work has already been put in to allow this for we have had 22 months of endless 24x7 fear mongering, lies and deceit from the government and media over the pandemic that never was for it was all best on lying by statistics.
Links to Campaigns: -TeenHeard on Twitter | -Website Or | - Help End Masks in School Telegram Channel. You need to download the Telegram App to join. Can be contacted at: | -See the Nurses Testimonies from the Irish Nurses for Transparency and Openness
national / health / disability issues Monday November 01, 2021 00:48 by 1 of Indy
Since the very beginning of the Covid Vaccines rollout in Ireland in Jan 2021 deaths spiked and then tailed off until the rest of the population were jabbed with the deadly gene therapy shot (aka vaccine) from April onwards. Then reports of deaths and serious injuries started appearing and now they have become widespread.
Related Links: -Your Jab Won't Save You -Covid Injuries and Deaths Telegram | -mRNA Death Toll Telegram | -Covid Vaccine Injuries Telegram | - Front Line Workers Speak Out Telegram | -Covid-19 Vaccine Victims and Families Telegram
Countdown to ZERO IMMUNITY… vaccine victims are seeing their immune response drop by about 5% each week, with long-term consequences mirroring AIDS
national / health / disability issues Saturday December 12, 2020 23:57 by T
Back in September the government announced they were planning to vaccinate up to 750,000 people, mostly children with a new nasal vaccine spray. I suppose a spray seems less dangerous and frightening than a needle. There was a major push this year by the pharmaceutical companies through their lackeys in the government and press to urge people to take it and on back of the constant fear campaign since last March, it seems to have been highly effective. We are supposed to believe that this is all for the benefit of us all and the fact that anyone is making money out of it is just an outrageous thing to suggest. Nor should it be mentioned in polite company that the pharmaceutical companies are NOT liable for any vaccine injuries and you have to take any case you have, against the government. This nice little arrangement has been in place for years and is the envy of all manufacturers of all and anything.
Related Links:
Flu away: Scientists baffled at disappearance of influenza... but is it really gone, or just masked by Covid-19? | The Influenza Vaccine and COVID-19 | 101 suspected flu shot deaths reported in South Korea | Ineffective flu vaccine added to 50,000 extra deaths last winter, ONS says | Brain-Damaged UK Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine to Get £60 Million Compensation | Over $4 Billion Paid for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths |
Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as “Spanish Flu”?
national / health / disability issues Sunday April 09, 2006 21:46 by Indymedia Ireland Editorial Group
![]() Protesting The Disablity Bill, June 2005 (See analysis).
John Aherne: "I always had strong will power but never acted upon it, so I thought it’s now or never. I am no different to many spinal injuries who took the bull by the horns, so I dusted myself off and got on with life, no self pity, no chip on my shoulder, no “why me?”. The way I look it is “why not me” it can happen to anyone in a heart beat, and it doesn’t discriminate between rich or poor, male or female, young or old. You just got to play the cards you were dealt and make the most of it. I am also of the view which some people find harsh is that some people with disabilities really irritate me, now of course if I was able to walk on shoe leather, to make a statement like that I would be classed as some form of a bigot, I on the other hand have seen it first hand as to how much whining someone can do purely because they think society in general should stand up and take notice. I got news for ye lads; society doesn’t give two fiddlers, so get your balls back and move on."
"I’ve heard it all over the years, even from the mouth of an MEP who while on his visit to the rehab said and I quote “want anything done lads regarding any disability issue, then don’t come to me” so, you see whether you are in a chair or not, it doesn’t give you an automatic right to be a self righteous pain in the rectum. Yes people with disabilities have rights, as does anyone else in this god forsaken country. But what is the point in having all these rights. It reminds me of when I was given my free travel pass, what a load of good that was, I wasn’t able to get on a bus, to try and gain access to a train was like Bertie Ahern trying to get a sentence out without sticking both feet in his mouth."
Also from the newswire: Garry Toner, an Equality Studies student in UCD is trying to organise an awareness campaign at a national level in relation to the rights of people with disabilities after an incident that occurred last weekend. "It was obvious risks were being taken with the make shift ramp. Before the wheelchair went down the ramp one of the staff accidentally pulled at the bar on my wheelchair, nearly breaking it. My wheelchair shot down the ramp, I lost control of it and nearly went over the curb into the traffic. Fortunately, I was able to somehow regain control of my wheelchair; narrowly preventing what could have been a very serious accident... More from Indymedia: Holiday Homes For People With Disabilities | New Campaign To Secure Disablity Rights | Challenge to the Disability Act 2005 gathers momentum | Disability Bill - A Betrayal | Archive of Indymedia's Disability Coverage
national / health / disability issues Monday July 04, 2005 17:39 by Miriam Cotton
For the second time they have introduced legislation that is in opposition to everything the disability lobby has asked for - and so desperately needs - and in doing so they are conducting a unique experiment in tampering with the constitution. If they succeed there can be no doubt that the bill will be used as a precedent for future legislation. The first attempt to introduce disability legislation in 2002 ended in disgrace amid an outcry from disability groups because of its inadequacy. Second time round, we were promised there would not be a repeat of the first fiasco - the views and wishes of people with disability were to be taken on board. A Disability Legislation Consultation Group was set up to include senior representatives from a number of disability bodies and for three years they toiled over the content and guiding principles of the bill. A comprehensive set of recommendations were submitted to the government by the DLCG. But the ‘consultation’ turned out to be a charade. The press release issued by the DLCG in May 2005 states: ‘This is now a totally flawed and fundamentally inadequate piece of legislation. It fails to meet the needs of the disability sector and we are appalled that the Government is determined to ram it through the Oireachtas in the face of opposition from the very people it was originally designed to benefit.’ It’s now clear that the consultation was a strategy for keeping potential opponents on side for as long as possible so that the time for effective protest would be minimised. At the time of writing, the Bill awaits the approval of the President who may refer it to the Supreme Court because of its constitutional implications. Whatever the President decides, the government are on notice: the disability lobby will not forget this. The government has, yet again, turned its back on the disability lobby. |
Sun 09 Mar, 14:47
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